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War updates from Amhara Region, Ethiopia - June 17th to 23rd, 2024

Updated June 23rd, 2024


For the week of June 17th to 23rd, 2024, fighting between Amhara Fano freedom fighters (Fano) and Prosperity Party regime joint forces (regime forces) has continued in various parts of Amhara Region in Ethiopia. The joint regime forces include Ethiopian National Defense Force (ENDF), riot dispursal force, militias and allied forces. In recent weeks, the Tigray People’s Liberation Front (TPLF) has continued human rights violations against residents of Raya Alamata and Telemt Woredas and surrounding areas with backing from the Prosperity Party regime, prompting demonstrations particularly in Alamata town. The Oromo Liberation Army (OLA) with support from regime security forces has continued attacks on civilians in majority-Amhara districts of Oromia Region. Some highlights are provided below:

  • In recent fighting, joint regime forces have suffered proportionally substantial losses and high rates of defection leading to division and mistrust in their ranks.

  • In response to continued military losses to Fano forces, regional Prosperity Party officials have organized militias to commit various criminal acts of violence, aggression and mischief impersonating Fano in order to undermine widespread public support for Fano.

  • Between June 18th and 19th, high-ranking regime military leaders and regime officials including General Abebaw Tadesse and regional president Arega Kebede participated in a meeting in Injibara which was disrupted by Fano forces.

  • In Ibnat Woreda, members of the National Dialogue Commission were apprehended while attempting to compel the Fano forces to surrender to the regime.

  • Starting on June 18th regime military leaders (ENDF Generals) convened a meeting in Gonder city with members of the public during which members of the public voiced key concerns which were met with mixed responses from the military leaders.

  • In Raya Alamata, TPLF militants have continued aggressions, taking control of areas in Raya and looting property which have been transported to Tigray proper.

  • The Telemt Amhara Identity Repatriation Committee announced receiving a decision by the Amhara Prosperity Party agreed to cede Telemt to the Tigray Regional State and arrival of heavily armed TPLF militants.

  • The OLA and ENDF initiated attacks on Amhara residents in North Shewa, Horo Guduru Wollega and East Wollega Zones of Oromia Region.

War Update Report - June 17 to 23
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