Disclaimer : AAA is a U.S. based NGO that documents human rights violations in the context of conflict, violence and political repression. One of AAA's core activities is also to educate policymakers, journalists, researchers and other stakeholders with up-to-date information on developments in Ethiopia. AAA does not endorse any political parties or organizations based in the U.S. or Ethiopia.
Updated September 1st, 2024
For the week of August 26th to September 1st, 2024, fighting between Amhara Fano freedom fighters (Fano) and Prosperity Party regime joint forces (regime forces) has continued in various parts of Amhara Region in Ethiopia. In Oromia Region, the Oromo Liberation Army (OLA) has worked alongside regime joint forces to attack Amhara residents.
Fighting between Fano forces and joint regime forces has continued in urban areas including Debre-Birhan, Shewa-Robit, areas surrounding Bahir-Dar, Debre-Tabor and Gonder cities.
Regime forces targeted civilians in the following locations: Dejen, Dega-Damot, Simada, Debre-Tabor, Gonder-Zuriya, West Armachiho and Debark Woredas. In addition, dozens of civilians were mass arrested in Enemay Woreda.
On August 29th, OLA militants abducted a significant number of travelers traveling aboard a bus from Amhara Region to Addis Ababa city.
On August 28th, OLA and regime joint forces attacked Amhara residents in Tuti Kebele in Dera Woreda (North Shewa Zone, Oromia Region).