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Prosperity Party Forces Kill 13 Civilians and Execute Wounded in Adet, Yilmana Densa Woreda

Writer: AAA-adminAAA-admin

📢#UPDATE: AAA has verified that on June 24th, 2024, Prosperity Party regime forces killed at least 13 civilians and executed several wounded combatants receiving medical treatment in Adet town of Yilmana Densa Woreda.

📍North Gojjam Zone (Amhara Region, Ethiopia

📢#መረጃ: የዐማራ ማህበር በአሜሪካ ባደረገው ማጣራት፣ በሰኔ 17፣ 2016፣ በአማራ ክልል፣ ሰሜን ጎጃም ዞን፣ ይልማና ዴንሳ ወረዳ፣ አዴት ከተማ፣ የብልፅግና አገዛዝ ሀይሎች በትንሹ 13 ንፁሀንን እና ቆስለው በህክምና ሲረዱ የቆዩ የፋኖ ተዋጊዎችን መግደላቸውን አረጋግጧል።


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