Report: Massacre of civilians committed by Oromo Prosperity Party regime forces in Jiga town and surrounding areas of Amhara Region, Ethiopia
Updated November 13, 2024
Incident Summary
The Amhara Association of America (AAA) has conducted a human rights investigation into reported violations targeting civilians in Jiga town and surrounding areas of Jabi-Tehnan Woreda in West Gojjam Zone of Amhara Region, Ethiopia between November 7th and 8th, 2024. Accordingly, AAA’s investigations revealed during the reporting period, Oromo Prosperity Party (OPP) regime forces perpetrated multiple violations targeting civilians which resulted in 15 casualties including 9 people killed and 6 injured.
Details of Incident
Between November 5th and 8th, 2024, confrontations between OPP regime forces and Amhara Fano fighters escalated in Jiga town and surrounding areas of Jabi-Tehnan Woreda, leading to heavy casualties among regime forces. Reports indicate that, following the regime’s military losses, regime soldiers carried out retaliatory actions against the local population, resulting in nine confirmed deaths and several injuries. Among the victims were members of vulnerable groups such as women, a five-month-old child, and persons with mental health issues.
On November 7th, regime soldiers executed at least four individuals and inflicted injuries on six additional civilians. Among the victims were three persons with mental health issues. Among the killed victims was the late Ato Tereche who was known for his mental health condition and had resided in Jiga town for over 14 years. He was shot dead by sniper fire after OPP regime forces lost their battle against Fano fighters. Another killed victim was the late Fasil who also suffered from a mental health condition. Among the injured victims was Ato Gashaye, an individual with a mental health condition.
The subsequent day, on November 8th, regime forces shelled civilian residences in Awalsem Kebele, resulting in the deaths of five members of a single family, which included women and children.
Names of 15 victims of the November 7th to 8th, 2024 attacks on civilians by OPP regime forces in Jiga town and surrounding areas of Jabi-Tehnan Woreda of West Gojjam Zone (Amhara Region, Ethiopia).
Summary of Violations of International Human Rights and International Humanitarian Law
Extrajudicial Killings
The killing of four civilians on November 7th represents a violation of the right to life, as enshrined in Article 6 of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR), which obligates states to respect and ensure the right to life.
Indiscriminate Attacks on Civilians
The shelling on November 8th that resulted in the deaths of five family members constitutes a clear violation of international humanitarian law, specifically the principles of distinction and proportionality articulated in Additional Protocol I to the Geneva Conventions. These principles require parties in a conflict to distinguish between combatants and non-combatants and to refrain from attacks that cause excessive civilian harm relative to the anticipated military advantage.
Targeting Vulnerable Populations
The killing of individuals with mental health issues and children is particularly alarming, demonstrating a clear disregard for the dignity and rights of children and persons with disabilities. This action by the regime contravened the protection of children under Article 6 of the CRC and the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD), particularly Articles 10 (Right to Life) and 16 (Freedom from Exploitation, Violence, and Abuse).