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Amhara Fano announce region-wide road closures starting October 3, 2024, as Abiy Ahmed regime launches new drone-backed military campaign

Disclaimer: AAA is a U.S. based NGO that documents human rights violations in the context of conflict, violence and political repression. One of AAA's core activities is also to educate policymakers, journalists, researchers and other stakeholders with up-to-date information on developments in Ethiopia. AAA does not endorse any political parties or organizations based in the U.S. or Ethiopia.

Joint Press Statement from Amhara Fano Leaders

October 1, 2024 (Meskerem 21, 2017 EC)

Call to Action from Amhara Fano Organizations!

The Prosperity Party regime has announced its final genocidal campaign to wipe out the Amhara people once and for all. Towards this end, the fascist regime has been using commercial aircrafts to transport every last soldier at its disposal from every corner of the country to the war front in Amhara Region. In addition to the genocidal war it is waging against the Amhara people, the barbaric regime has begun a new wave of disarmament, confiscating privately owned firearms and personal belongings from residents in the few towns and kebeles it controls, in a bid to ensure that the people are unable to defend themselves. It should be underscored that the actors involved in these heinous crimes will one day be held accountable by international war crime tribunals. These criminals, who have targeted an entire people based solely on their identity and committed acts of genocide, have now completed final preparations and have entered into an implementation phase led by the regime’s subservient generals.

If one were to ask what the essence of treason looks like, it would not be an exaggeration to point to the senior military officers and other ranking officers within the so-called national army. To serve a regime which is hell bent on exterminating the Amhara people with weapons procured using a developing nation’s resources to oppress an already impoverished population, exemplifies treason in every sense of the term. In fact, calling these commanders who are leading, directing, and organizing a genocidal campaign, traitors would be an understatement. Abiy Ahmed and his cronies, under the command of General Abebaw Tadesse, have deployed military hardware with an aim to annihilate the Amhara people. They have assigned Generals Zewde Belay, Adamneh Mengistie, and the like, to designated areas throughout the Amhara Region and have initiated the latest phase of their war. These generals have long served under institutions which have propagated hatred and enmity towards the Amhara people.

As part of the implementation of this genocidal campaign, various kinds of mechanized military hardware and weapons, including BM rocket launchers, have been deployed in strategic areas surrounding the regional capital of Bahir Dar city. Air force and drone operators have also become fully engaged. The drone bombings carried out in recent weeks are one facet of this new campaign. The primary goal of this campaign is to save the collapsing Prosperity regime from its demise, while attempting to upend the Amhara struggle for survival and justice.

Over the course of the last 17 months, our forces have successfully dismantled the regional security apparatus and the Prosperity Party regime's military, despite their vast numbers and advanced weaponry. It is with great pride and honor that we declare we now stand stronger than ever. Through repeated battles and victories, we, the Amhara Fano, have successfully weakened the enemy’s military strength.

With the experience we have gained in combat, the weapons we have captured, and the guidance of our capable military leaders, we have elevated our struggle to new heights. For this to become a reality, the lion’s share of the credit goes to our people who led an all-out struggle.

We reaffirm to all supporters of the Amhara struggle for survival that we will once again foil this latest military campaign waged by the Prosperity Party regime and use it to bolster our military capacity. Therefore, we pass the following critical messages to Fano structures across the region, and the wider public who have collectively received a death sentence by the Abiy regime:

  1. To our allies throughout the region: now is the time to expose the fascist regime of Abiy Ahmed to the world and bury the Prosperity Party once and for all, and fully equip our people with the means to look after our security. Recognizing this, we call upon our forces to meet the enemy wherever they may be, with unwavering resolve, and to defeat them decisively on the battlefield.

  2. To all able bodied men and women: take up arms and answer the call of Amhara Fano to remove the oppressive regime from your homeland. Arm yourself and defend your families and communities from those who are killing your children, raping your wives, looting your livestock, and burning your crops. We call upon you again to stand firm and protect your community from this brutal invading force.

  3. To the members of the Ethiopian National Defense Forces, riot dispersal forces, and militias: reflect on your past crimes, and return with repentance. We call on you to break free from the destructive chains of your superiors, condemn the genocide being committed against your own people, and join the Fano to make history.

  4. The Prosperity Party regime in preparation for its shameful military campaign is throwing countless young people in concentration camps. We call upon young people to exercise caution and avoid capture in the Prosperity Party’s concentration camps, and instead join Fano. By taking up this honorable cause, you will ensure the survival of both yourself and the Amhara people, and help save your homeland.

  5. To prevent the enemy’s repeated military operations and planned offensives from succeeding, and to minimize the damage that could be inflicted on our people, starting from October 3, 2024 (Meskerem 23, 2017 E.C.), all roads across the Amhara Region will be closed to non-emergency vehicles for an indefinite period.

“Our Survival Through Our United Strength!!”

Amhara Fano in Gonder

Amhara Fano in Gojjam

Amhara Fano Shewa Command

Amhara Fano in Wollo


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