Statement from the Federation of Amharas in North America (FANA):
October 25, 2022 (Tikimit 15, 2015 EC)
The Amhara people who lack a government which can uphold its civic rights continue to find themselves being butchered and persecuted throughout the country. Those who offered their voices in service of and stood for the struggle for the survival of the Amhara people faced attacks, persecution and many thousands were imprisoned by the Amhara Prosperity Party (APP/ADP/ANDM), Amharas' own enemy within. The invading TPLF forces perpetrated three rounds of full scale invasion as if the perils of the last thirty years was not enough and when Amharas rose up to finally reinforce its defensive capabilities, APP once again acted in collusion with the forces working to make Amharas stateless in internationally mediated peace negotiations. Worldwide Amhara organizations which realized this advocated for Amharas to be represented by genuine delegates in any platform discussing the fate of Ethiopia. In accordance with this aim, Amhara delegates were selected to be part of these peace negotiations and issued a letter to the international community asking for this delegation to be included. We, the member organizations of the Federation of Amharas in North America regarding the selected delegation consisting of:
1. General Tefera Mamo
2. Dr. Dessalegn Chanie
3. Dr. Wondwossen Assefa
4. Mr. Tewodrose Tirfe
confirm that we are providing full support to the delegation.
Names of member organizations:
Amhara Association of America
Amhara Professionals Union
Amhara Association of Nevada
Amhara Association of Colorado
Amhara Association of Los Angeles
Amhara Association of California (San Diego)
Amhara Association in Georgia
Amhara Heritage Society of Minnesota
Amhara Association of Seattle
Amhara People’s Civic Organization
Amhara Association of Chicago
Washington Area Association of Amhara